Greenhouse Gas Emission Forecasts for Electrification of Space Heating in Residential Homes

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Most residential buildings in the United States are heated and cooled by either a natural gas furnace paired with an air conditioner or an electric heat pump. A growing number of policymakers are considering electrification (converting natural gas appliances to electric heat pumps in new and existing construction) as a means of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that result from natural gas combustion and leakage. Although electric heat pumps do not have on-site combustion, there are emissions associated with the electricity that powers them as well as with refrigerant leaks.

This novel study considers GHG emissions impacts of installing and operating a heat pump or gas furnace for 15-years across all U.S. regions and climates, including emissions from electricity generation, combustion, and from methane and refrigerant leakage. The study applies long-run marginal emissions factors to represent future grid emissions from permanent increases in electricity demand that are expected to result from heat pump adoption.

Project Sponsor: Natural Resources Defense Council

Theresa Pistochini, PE
Theresa Pistochini is the Engineering Manager at the UC Davis Energy Efficiency Institute and Western Cooling Efficiency Center with over 12 years of experience in applied research in energy efficiency and building operation, primarily in the areas of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning.

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