Revealing the Truth About the World’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In this lecture, Washington Post reporter and Yale School of the Environment lecturer Chris Mooney describes a months-long Washington Post investigation into the world’s climate-warming emissions, which found that countries are dramatically under-reporting their climate impact — by as much as 13 billion tons of greenhouse gases annually. The Post drew on satellite and atmospheric analyses, independent scientific inventories of greenhouse gases, and a dataset built by the paper itself to hold the entire world accountable for what it is truly emitting. This talk will be moderated by Dr. Jennifer Marlon of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC).

Chris Mooney is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter on energy and the environment at The Washington Post. He is also a lecturer at the Yale School of the Environment for this academic year. He has authored four books about science, politics and climate change. Chris is a graduate of Yale College (Silliman, ’99).

Dr. Jennifer Marlon is a Research Scientist at the Yale School of the Environment and the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. She obtained her Ph.D. and M.S. in Geography from the University of Oregon. Dr. Marlon studies public perceptions of and responses to environmental change, particularly extreme weather events. Examples of her work include the Yale Climate Opinion Maps and a study of how hope and doubt affect climate change mobilization. She has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers in top scientific journals such as Science and Nature Climate Change. Her work has also been featured in publications like The New York Times, Forbes, and National Geographic, and has been applied by practitioners and organizations around the world.

This talk is sponsored by the Yale Center for Environmental Communication, the Yale School of the Environment, and the YSE Data Science Initiative.

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