How to Develop a Marketing Strategy by Philip Kotler

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Looking for a proven marketing strategy? Need to build a marketing strategy that works?

In this video, you’ll learn about proven marketing strategies that will help you achieve your business goals.

First, Philip Kotler discusses different marketing strategies and shares what makes a good marketing strategy.

Second, Philip Kotler’s book on marketing strategy shares his best marketing strategy ideas and examples to help grow your business.

All in all, this is a proven marketing strategy that will help accelerate your business.

This is a purely education channel with no affiliates. All which we ask for your support by liking and sharing our video with people who’d like to learn and improve their marketing knowledge.

#marketingplan #marketing #digitalmarketing, online marketing, marketing strategy, marketing concepts, marketing 101, marketing techniques, best marketing strategies.

Yours in marketing,
Subscribe to improve your marketing plan and to grow your business!

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