whoami – sshskills – Linux, Networking, & Programming Tips

Hey, what’s up guys this is adam@sshskills where our goal is to teach you Linux, networking & programming tips in 1 minute or less.

I have hired a lot of developers over the years and the most fundamental skills are Linux and Networking, yes even more fundamental than programming, so that’s where we will start!

The first command today is a simple one, whoami, it returns the name of the current user.

Thanks for tuning in, drop a like and a follow and we will be sending more tips your way!

At sshskills, our goal is to help other Software Developers and Engineers develop their careers and get the salaries they deserve!
Simple as that.
We know what you’re worth to today’s employers, and we will help you get it.
If you are a software developer currently looking for a better job or salary, let us help you out!

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