Sky News host Chris Kenny says Australia is suffering from “some of the consequences of climate change activism and alarmism” – not in the disasters themselves but the way they are dealt with.
“The floods are what we should expect, and we especially expect them after a period of long drought,” he said.
“That is what experience tells us, that is what the natural cycles tell us, that is what the historical record tells us, that is why we have all grown up knowing ours is the land of droughts and flooding rains.”
Mr Kenny said, “instead of accepting our natural environment”, politicians have elected to pretend the “natural cycles were about to change” and such change could be controlled.
“They have been wrong time and time again, but that never silences them or causes them to change their minds,” he said.
“So instead of taking action to deal with our natural environment as it is, and as it always will be, our policymakers and governments pretend they can change the climate, instead.”