What is Design Thinking? | AJ&Smart

What is design thinking? How can you apply design thinking to your projects and what are the differences between design thinking and other methodologies such as ‘Agile’ and ‘Design Sprints’?

Product designer and lead Design Sprint trainer Dee Scarano from AJ&Smart takes you through an in depth look at the origins of design thinking, definitions of design thinking and the various applications for it.

Links featured in the video:



Design Thinking Timeline (Medium)

Norman Doors video:

Norman Doors: Don’t Know Whether to Push or Pull? Blame Design.

Watch a FREE 1.5 hour Design Sprint web class, featuring Design Sprint creator Jake Knapp:

You can also sign up to our school for expert Design Sprint training: https://ajsmart.com/masterclass

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Design Thinking (What is it?) – 2019:

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