From quantum picturalism to quantum NLP and quantum AI with Bob Coecke | Qiskit Seminar Series

If you want to learn more about QNLP you can find additional examples in this blog post:

In 2020 our Oxford-based Quantinuum team performed Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) on IBM quantum hardware [1, 2]. Key to having been able to achieve what is conceived as a heavily data-driven task, is the observation that quantum theory and natural language are governed by much of the same compositional structure – a.k.a. tensor structure.

Hence our language model is in a sense quantum-native, and we provide an analogy with simulation of quantum systems in terms of algorithmic speed-up [forthcoming]. Meanwhile we have made all our software available open-source, and with support [].

The compositional match between natural language and quantum extends to other domains than language, and argue that a new generation of AI can emerge when fully pushing this analogy, while exploiting the completeness of categorical quantum mechanics / ZX-calculus [3, 4, 5] for novel reasoning purposes that go hand-in-hand with modern machine learning.

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