The Difference Between Diversity & Inclusion And Why You Need Both | Jacob Morgan

Diversity and inclusion are not the same thing.

But although they are very different, both are crucial to the success of any organization.

Diversity is simply having a mix of people from different backgrounds, genders, religions, cultures, and ethnicities inside your organization. On the other hand, inclusion is making those people feel like they belong.

Research shows that diversity and inclusion lead to more ideas, better products and services for customers, and improved innovation and productivity.

Diversity and inclusion is something every organization around the world needs, and it’s going to start with you demanding it inside your company.

#futureofwork #leadership #diversity #inclusion #productivity








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Jacob Morgan is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and futurist. He explores how the world of work is changing, what the future of work is going to look like, and we need to do to prepare. To work with Jacob or have him speak at your event visit

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