A quantum computer isn’t just a more powerful version of the computers we use today; it’s something else entirely, based on emerging scientific understanding — and more than a bit of […]
Compress Decades Into Days. Get Dan Lok’s World-Class Training Solutions to Grow Your Income, Influence and Wealth Today. Start Here ► http://danlok-shop.danlok.link Starting anything when you’r […]
Um dos grandes diferencias do Nubank é que todas as nossas decisões de negócio e produtos são tomadas a partir de dados. Para fazer com isso seja possível, contamos com um time de Machine Learning e D […]
What is “design thinking” and why should you care? The 6 steps of the process defined. (With Nielsen Norman Group’s Chief Designer, Sarah Gibbons) #UX #designthinking #designprocess […]
We know South Africans love the internet but have you ever wondered how are APPs created or how do you programme a computer? Well to be able to create data APPs and algorithms will definitely prepare […]
Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel! These 2 non-accounting skills might make or break your career. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can improve them quickly. Check out this video I mad […]
NILUFER ERDEBIL : Founder and CEO of Spring2Innovation Design Thinking. Nilufer Erdebil is a leading consultant of innovation and design thinking with expertise in telecommunications, defence, applica […]
Ex-Google TechLead lists the 5 “must-have” skills that all software engineers need to be successful. Visit http://dailyinterviewpro.com/ / for coding interview practice. My recommended ins […]
DO NOT go to medical school if you identify with these 4 factors. Med school is a long and arduous journey. If you’re going to become a doctor because your parents want you to, if you don’ […]
Web3 is a back-end revolution and nothing that makes your webspace more likeable or interactive. Since the novelties happen at the level of the code, it is not easy for the user to grasp what a huge r […]