Python tutorial – Python full course for beginners – Go from Zero to Hero with Python (includes machine learning & web development projects). 🔥 Want to master Python? Get my Python ma […]
What is accounting? And, why is it important? Accountants compile, analyze, and explain data that’s ultimately used to make critical business decisions. So when the boardroom heats up, the accou […]
As companies evolve to adopt, integrate, and leverage software as the defining element of their success in the 21st century, a rash of processes and methodologies are vying for their product teamsR […]
Compress Decades Into Days. Get Dan Lok’s World-Class Training Solutions to Grow Your Income, Influence and Wealth Today. Start Here ► Starting anything when you’r […]
Um dos grandes diferencias do Nubank é que todas as nossas decisões de negócio e produtos são tomadas a partir de dados. Para fazer com isso seja possível, contamos com um time de Machine Learning e D […]
What is “design thinking” and why should you care? The 6 steps of the process defined. (With Nielsen Norman Group’s Chief Designer, Sarah Gibbons) #UX #designthinking #designprocess […]
We know South Africans love the internet but have you ever wondered how are APPs created or how do you programme a computer? Well to be able to create data APPs and algorithms will definitely prepare […]
Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel! These 2 non-accounting skills might make or break your career. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can improve them quickly. Check out this video I mad […]
NILUFER ERDEBIL : Founder and CEO of Spring2Innovation Design Thinking. Nilufer Erdebil is a leading consultant of innovation and design thinking with expertise in telecommunications, defence, applica […]
Ex-Google TechLead lists the 5 “must-have” skills that all software engineers need to be successful. Visit / for coding interview practice. My recommended ins […]