What is BlockChain ? | NFT, Bitcoin, Crypto currency | Complete Beginner guide to learn Blockchain

What is BlockChain ? | NFT,  Bitcoin, Crypto currency | Complete Beginner guide to learn Blockchain

In this video, I have done podcast with @Telusko and asked questions from different domain. Blockchain is new technology and we have faced lot of difficulties to learn it. What will be the future of Blockchain, we have done complete analysis.

0:00 Recap
0:32 What is Blockchain
10:35 Will companies survive the transition from WEB 2.0 to WEB 3.0
12:25 How to learn Blockchain
14:20 Time required to become Blockchain developer
19:25 Are Bitcoin and Blockchain same
25:58 Do you invest in crypto
27:30 What is NFT
33:25 Types of Blockchain
37:50 Future of Blockchain

Blockchain: https://youtu.be/X06TQOOBrhM
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Thumbnail: http://www.avcreator.in

✨ Tags✨
rohitnegi, blockchain, bitcoin, NFT, explore the office, fresher at office, 2crore package,

✨ HashTags✨
#nft #bitcoin #ethereum
#rohitnegi #india #blockhain, #officetour #engineering #firstvlog #firstdayatoffice #nft

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