We’ve been warned about climate change for many decades. So what’s been stopping us from acting?! Well, in part, the lies of fossil fuel companies. These lies have taken many shapes: doubt; denial; delay and greenwashing. Now, three bodies of evidence show the shady reality of climate change misinformation.
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Since the 1960s, electric utilities understood that burning fossil fuels causes climate change. Rather than face the facts, utilities promoted climate denial over several decades.
My new research with @EmilyLyWilliams. THREAD!🧵https://t.co/wTLu3UwFjR pic.twitter.com/m0Jyt8TOyS
— Dr. Leah Stokes (@leahstokes) September 7, 2022
shell tweeted a poll in 2020 asking "what are you willing to change to help reduce emissions" that it estimates reached up to 309m people after getting trashed by climate activists, forcing the company to address internal pushback even after press coverage died 3/ pic.twitter.com/H6idWc0lZj
— Ajit Niranjan (@NiranjanAjit) September 15, 2022
Sarah Wynbourne for the Shell tip off
Halimturk for the iphone sound