Let’s Start!

Let’s Start!

(Japanese follows English)
Thank you for coming to this website.

Hi, This is “co-ws”. We will deliver for people various thoughts, literacy, skills and so on.

I think all of the Developed country’s people have to contribute to our earth’s living because we can’t select where we were born. If we were born in a developing country, we might not live at your level. So, we need to extend the benefits of life to those who do not receive them. Of course, If you live in a developed country, but the living is very severe, you have the right to live well-being, so we may give attention to how to live more happy living.

That is our mission, so we create a “Cognitions we should have”. Shortly, we take follows for viewers:
a. What thoughts, thinking, skills, literacies and so on should we have to contribute to Earth and Livings?
b. How do we upgrade your lives and circumstances?

We will make the thoughts platforms eventually, so please subscribe then.

Everyone’s happiness, Everyone’s contribution.




このことが、私たちのミッションであり、私が「Cognitions we should have」と題し、このサイトをつくった背景でもあります。つまり、私たちは、このサイトを見る方々に以下の情報を提供します。

a. 地球や生命に貢献するために私たちがもつべき思考やスキル、リテラシーは何なのか?


