Heading home with new skills | TGD’s Puppy Program | The Good Dog Training

Heading home with new skills | TGD’s Puppy Program | The Good Dog Training

The Puppy Update! 🐕❤️

A quick little update on the three little ones who will be heading home soon, and are in the final stages of proofing all their new skills.

Remember, Daphne came in the snarling/snapping little Chihuahua (who so many were sure was damaged genetic goods), and Miya and Loki came in as two super high energy and rambunctious GSPs.

All three are looking awesome! We’ll be doing several go-home sessions, and I’m sure will have some footage to share of them working with their owners.

If you’ve got a pup who needs manners, basic training, or has some behavior issues that are rearing their heads, we can help. Imagine how much fuller, included, enjoyed, and happy these three little lives will be. ❤️

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