There is No Luck. Only Good Marketing. | Franz Schrepf | TEDxAUCollege

There is No Luck. Only Good Marketing. | Franz Schrepf | TEDxAUCollege

How can I be successful too? It is a frequently asked question when people are confronted with the success of others. Franz Schrepf challenges us to look at our lives from a different angle and uses the basic principles of marketing to convince us that success is not just a matter of luck. By changing the way we present and promote ourselves we can gain agency and happiness.

Franz Schrepf is a student at the University of Amsterdam, focussing on economics and business. He was invited to speak at TEDxAUCollege because of the inspiring way in which he uses the key principles of marketing theory to analyze and change our daily lives.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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