Switch Challenge – Deductive Logical Thinking | REAL LIVE TEST | Operator Conversion

Switch Challenge – Deductive Logical Thinking | REAL LIVE TEST | Operator Conversion

A real 5 minute deductive logical thinking reasoning test that was sent by an interviewer in October 2022.

Let us know if you would like to see a video explaining how all of these questions were solved.

Please leave a comment if you would like any other levels or puzzles explained or if you would like the practice booklet with examples of the different levels and solutions to get you ready and prepared for the assessment.

AON / CUT-E Maptq and SHL Ability / Aptitude Test / Assessment, Numerical Reasoning and Personality Questionnaires used by global companies like P&G online assessment (Interactive Assessment and the PEAK Performance Assessment), Unilever, EY, PWC, Deloitte, Accenture, Shell, Barclays, NHS, Civil Service, and many more to give you an idea of what kind of questions to expect while preparing.

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