DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) – All You Need to Know

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) – All You Need to Know

Even though the concept of Communal Ownership (especially that of the means of production – wink-wink) goes back several millennia, 2021 brought on a host of remarkable developments in decentralized ownership. Naturally, decentralized finance – DeFi – is first in the door, and when it comes to cutting the cord from legacy banking, DeFi pioneers are hard at work filling the specialty toolbox. How do they organize? DAO – Decentralized Autonomous Organizations.

DAOs’ fundamentals are all about a more fluid, open-ended, and accessible governance structure for the society of digital producers and free-roaming financiers bound by rules hard-coded on the blockchain. And, since blockchain applications are virtually limitless, we can safely assume that the DAO structure presents infinite possibilities for the token economy of the future.

01:27 – How to start a DAO
03:30 – How to Govern a DAO
05:07 – Examples of DAOs
06:42 – Benefits of DAOs
07:05 – Legal Aspects of DAOs
07:28 – Instead of Conclusion

Here are some helpful links for you in case you want to explore the space further on your own:

TRASTRA Wallet: https://trastra.com/wallet/
Opium.Network: https://opium.network/
MakerDAO: https://makerdao.com/en/
Uniswap: https://uniswap.org/
Synthetix: https://synthetix.io/
Gnosis Safe: https://gnosis-safe.io/
Moloch: https://www.molochdao.com/
Aragon: https://aragon.org/
Colony: https://colony.io/
DAOStack: https://daostack.io/
DAOhaus: https://daohaus.club/
Proof Of Humanity: https://www.proofofhumanity.id/
Opolis: https://opolis.co/
BanklessDAO: https://www.bankless.community/

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